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CS | April 21, 2011Central Loses 3 Tough District Games
By Josh Walker Central’s week started with a 12-2 loss to #1 Catholic. The Wildcats were led...
CS | April 21, 2011Legal Services Committee – What Happened?
By Dave Freneaux There is much chatter around Central as to who did what and why regarding...
CS | April 21, 2011Shoe Creek Bridge on Lovett to Close for Summer Repairs
From the City of Central The City-Parish and State DOTD will close the Lovett Rd bridge over...
CS | April 21, 2011Mayor Watts Gives City Update at CCA Forum
By Beth Fussell The Mayor spoke to a nearly full room of community members at Tuesday’s Central...
CS | April 21, 2011Districts & Term Limits Committee Holds Final Meeting
By Beth Fussell This past Sunday afternoon, the Mayor's committee tasked with researching how Central's Council seats...
CS | April 21, 2011Mayor Speaks Up on Committees
Letter to the Editors of and Central City News: I have prepared this letter in an...
CS | April 21, 2011Central Speaks Up: 4/21/2011
That's Just the Way We Do It Concerning all of the time and energy exhausted in planning...
CS | April 21, 2011Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | April 20, 2011Central Residents Finish First at U.S. Finals Cheer Competition
Submitted by Carmen Evans Central residents Morgan Blanchard, Katelyn Broussard, Noah Newman, and Hannah Wall, all members of...
CS | April 20, 2011Fruge’ Realty Holds Ribbon Cutting with Chamber of Commerce
Photo by Dave Freneaux Last Thursday, April 14th, Fruge’ Real Estate had their ribbon cutting with the Central...