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CS | September 16, 2013It’s P.A.D. Awareness Month
Submitted by Cardiovascular Institute of the South September is PAD Awareness Month. PAD, or peripheral arterial...
CS | September 16, 2013A Reason to Relay
Editorial by Beth Fussell Over the next couple of months, you may see and hear a...
CS | September 16, 2013Matt & Jessica Walker Welcome Daughter Charlee Mae
Matt and Jessica Walker of Central are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlee...
CS | September 16, 2013Southern Charm Marketplace Holds Grand Opening
Photo by Central Chamber of Commerce Southern Charm Marketplace held their grand opening and ribbon cutting...
CS | September 16, 2013Healthy Recipe: Salmon Cakes
By Rachel F. Johnson I’ve had two Conqueror Classes so far and I cannot explain how...
CS | September 13, 2013Art Show Going on Now at Greenwell Springs Library
The Art League of Central is hosting a free art show at the Greenwell Springs branch...
CS | September 13, 2013You’re Invited to Join the Central Community Chorus
The Central Community Chorus will start rehearsing for the 2013-2014 season tonight! We will be meeting...
CS | September 13, 2013City Center Public Information Meeting Thursday
The city of Central City Center Selection Committee will hold an informational meeting for all properties owners interested...
CS | September 13, 2013Two New P&Z Members Selected
William Matlock and Bijan Sharafkhani will begin immediately serving four year terms as the two newest...
CS | September 13, 2013CAPA Corner: Thanks
Col 3:15-16 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were...