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CS | March 7, 2014CHS Boy’s Bowling Tops Denham
Central High Boys (6-1) on Wednesday (2-26-14) topped Denham Springs (3-3) to maintain their one and a...
CS | March 7, 2014In Memoriam: Elaine Monaghan
Elaine G. Monaghan passed away at 11:40 AM, Saturday, March 1, 2014 at Baton Rouge Health...
CS | March 6, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | March 6, 2014Election Central: Mayoral Candidate Debate Tonight
Tonight, March 6th, the Central Community Alliance and the Central Chamber of Commerce will co-host the Central...
CS | March 6, 2014CHS Girl’s Bowling Sets New School Records – Again!
For the second time this season, Central Girls Bowling (7-1) made short work of a shorthanded...
CS | March 6, 2014Proposed Plans Sought for Old Girls’ Gym
Submitted by Superintendent Faulk The Central Community School System recently received voter approval to issue additional bonds...
CS | March 6, 2014Help Cool Runnings Support Saint Jude
On April 26th a group of runners will be participating in the Saint Jude Country Music Marathon...
CS | March 6, 2014Comite Diversion, Common Core Discussed at Hodges Town Hall Meeting
Press Release Representative Valarie Hodges-R, District 64, held a Town Hall-Round Table Discussion with constituents from the...
CS | March 6, 2014Sid Edwards Named Citizen of the Year
At the Central Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet, three special awards were given on behalf of the...
CS | March 6, 2014Central Charities Thank Supporters
Daniel Newman of the Rotary Club of Central was present at the Chamber Awards Banquet to...