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CS | April 4, 2014Jason and Kim Ellis Welcome Son Karson Luke
Jason and Kim Ellis are excited to announce the birth of their second son Karson Luke...
CS | April 4, 2014Central Bloomers Update
Pictured: Laura Moser, Kathy McMillan, Pam Wilson and Susie Smith Central Bloomers Garden Club met on...
CS | April 3, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | April 3, 2014Mayoral Candidates Endorsed: Freneaux Supported by Central Leaders, Shelton by EBR Political Action Committees
In two very different shows of support, Mayoral candidate Dave Freneaux has turned to Central's community leaders...
CS | April 3, 2014Letter to the Community from Mayor Watts
To the Citizens of Central: Nearly a decade ago, BREC asked us to come together as a...
CS | April 3, 2014Election Central: Salsbury Campaign Subject to Ethics Fines
Chief of Police Candidate James Salsbury has failed to timely file two Camppaign Finance reports as...
CS | April 3, 2014BREC Tax Renewal Also on the Ballot
Parishwide Proposition (Recreation and Park Commission) Shall the Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of...
CS | April 3, 2014Active for Autism Saturday
This Saturday, Coach Sid Edwards will be standing at the starting line of the Active for Autism...
CS | April 3, 2014Central Residents Win Partial Victory over Water Quality
Press Release On March 21, 2014, the First Circuit Court of Appeal in Baton Rouge reversed a...
CS | April 2, 2014Local Mom Working with CFD to Bring Project Lifesaver to Central
Randi Stephens, pictured above with one of her sons, is a remarkable woman. The mother of two...