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CS | September 5, 2014Central Chamber of Commerce C4 Report: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” in South Louisiana! The temperatures will begin to fall,...
CS | September 5, 2014Upcoming Events at Lane
Lane Regional Medical Center will hold a Diabetes Support Group meeting on Tuesday, September 9, from 2:00...
CS | September 4, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | September 4, 2014School Board to Decide Fate of Historic Gym: Citizens Offer Cooperation and Support
In the true spirit of Central, citizens with a vision to save the 1927 Gym located on...
CS | September 4, 2014Football Season Opens
Central Private School’s 2014 regular season opened on August 22nd with a tough game against Riverfield, but...
CS | September 4, 2014Political Sign Reminder
From the City of Central Political and campaign signs as well as any other signs cannot be...
CS | September 4, 2014A Clock, A Gym, and Central’s History
Sitting in my living room is an 1850’s steeple clock. It is a couple of feet tall...
CS | September 3, 2014Central FD Responds to Tanglewood House Fire
From the Central Fire Department An alarm for a house fire in Tanglewood subdivision signaled a busy...
CS | September 3, 2014Allison Grisaffe Bourke Presents Artwork at CCF Coffee Hour
Central resident and artist Allison Grisaffe Bourke presented her work at the Central Cultural Foundation Coffee Hour...
CS | September 3, 2014“Animals and Wildlife” Art League Show Winners
The Art League of Central held a show during the month of August. The theme was “Animals...