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CS | September 9, 2009Central Residents Join Walk to Remember
The Alzheimer’s Walk to Remember will happen this year on September 26 on the LSU Old Front Nine....
CS | September 7, 2009CCA Forum on CPR
Next Tuesday, September 15, the CCA (Central Community Alliance) will be putting on a forum about CPR. The...
CS | September 4, 2009CHS Tops Port Allen in Season Opener
The Wildcats opened the season tonight with a convincing 50-17 win over Port Allen High. CHS kept the...
CS | September 4, 2009Kiwanis Donating Defibrillators to Schools
The City of Central Kiwanis Club has been collecting funds to purchase heart defibrillators for local schools. Our...
CS | September 2, 2009Central Celebrates the Life of Whitney Taylor
Whitney Taylor, 25 year old daughter of Paul and Rhonda Taylor (Principal of Central Intermediate) and sister of...
CS | September 2, 2009Play Golf and Support the Chamber
The City of Central Chamber of Commerce is holding its Annual Golf Scramble at Copper Mill Golf Club...
CS | September 2, 2009CP Football Beats Amite Center 41-8
The Central Private Rebels whipped the Amite School Center Rebels on Friday night at Rebel Field to move...
CS | September 1, 2009Benefit Golf Tournament for Melissa Shows
The men’s ministry at Zoar Baptist Church is putting on a benefit golf tournament for Melissa Edwards Shows....
CS | August 31, 2009Central Football Teams Starting Strong
Central High School and Central Private School both had successful outings last Friday night at home. Central Private...
CS | August 27, 2009Schools Working to Prevent Spread of Flu
Central schools have been experiencing a number of flu cases in sdtudents. Mrs. Frazier, Headmaster at Central Private...