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CS | June 15, 2010Gov. Jindal Visits Journey Church
Submitted by Journey Church Pastors Jay and Stacey Coleman and the Journey Church congregation were excited and surprised...
CS | June 15, 2010City of Central 2010-2011 Budget Address
I submit to you the budget for the new fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2010. I consulted with...
CS | June 15, 2010Rezoning Hearing This Wednesday
The City-Parish Metro Council will hear this Wednesday, June 16, 2010 a request for a rezoning of property...
CS | June 15, 2010FEMA Grant Funds New Equipment for Fire Department
The Central Fire Department received a FEMA federal fire act grant in the amount of $130,000 to replace...
CS | June 14, 2010Hurricane Preparedness
From the Central Fire Department website June 1- November 30 marks the hurricane season and the time to...
CS | June 14, 2010Two Shoplifters Located by EBRSO
From the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office in response to an inquiry from a reader The East...
CS | June 14, 2010Business Spotlight: Geaux Clean Car Wash
By Mia Freneaux If you have a Central business that you would like highlighted in, please send...
CS | June 14, 2010Playmakers of Baton Rouge Presents Teaching Agnes to Dance
Submitted by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library The Playmakers of Baton Rouge will present “Teaching Agnes to...
CS | June 14, 2010Tonight’s School Board Meeting Agenda
Submitted by the Central Community School Board AGENDA SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 14, 2010 6:00 PM Kristenwood Catering...
CS | June 14, 2010Informal Hearing Tonight Concerning School Earthwork Bid
Submitted by Central Community School Board Agenda Notice of Informal Hearing June 14, 2010 5:30 p.m. Kristenwood Catering...