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CS | April 13, 2012Central Relay for Life Is Tomorrow!
The Central Relay for Life is this Saturday from noon to midnight at Zoar Baptist Church...
CS | April 13, 2012Planning Underway for Central City Hall
Central's Master Plan moved into its next phase and will include planning for a City...
CS | April 13, 2012Local Fire Departments Join Together to Fight Zachary Fire
Submitted by the Central Fire Department On Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Chaneyville and Central Fire Departments were...
CS | April 13, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | April 13, 2012Healthy Recipe: Fajitas with Homemade Whole Wheat Tortillas
By Rachel Firmin This Lent, my fiancé and I fasted from meat, cheese and sweets. That means...
CS | April 13, 2012Two Years – Five Central Truths
Commentary by Dave Freneaux Today’s Central Speaks newspaper marks the beginning of our third year...
CS | April 12, 2012Michael and Hannah Kelly Welcome Son Michael George Kelly
Michael and Hannah Kelly Of Greenwell Springs are proud to announce the birth of their son...
CS | April 12, 2012Central Baseball Bounces Back After Tough District Start
By Josh Walker It wasn’t the ideal start that Coach Forbes and the Wildcat baseball...
CS | April 12, 2012A Big “Thank You to the Central School System and Community
Coach Sid Edwards at the Active for Autism Walk with Family and Friends Submitted by Maureen...
CS | April 12, 2012CHS Class of 1997 Reunion June 2
The Central High School Class of 1997 is having their 15th Reunion at The Varsity Theater in Baton...