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CS | January 22, 2014CHS Girls Bowling Jamboree Highlights
CENTRAL GIRLS VARSITY BOWLING TEAM 2014 ROSTER: Ashley Alfonso (Junior) Haley Young (Junior) Sarah LeDuff...
CS | January 22, 2014Help Raise Funds for a Central Community Bike/Walking Path
Help raise funds for a Central Community Bike/Walking path Upcoming Event: Color in Motion 5K run at the...
CS | January 22, 2014Ever Heard of Fred, Louisiana?
By Vicki Carney, Central/Greenwell Springs Society of History A short distance from Central, at the intersection...
CS | January 21, 2014CHS Boys Bowling Jamboree Highlights
ROSTER: Kevin Kennedy (Senior) Sean Murphy (Senior) Jacob Garretson (Junior) Jonathan Ryder (Sophomore) ...
CS | January 21, 2014Local History Program Thursday
This Thursday, January 23, at 7:00 pm Richard Venable will be presenting a free program on the history of...
CS | January 21, 2014Russell and Jennifer Starns on Central Legends
Tune in to 910 AM tonight at 5 PM for the Sid Edwards Show. Then, stay...
CS | January 21, 2014CHS Freshmen Cheer Tryouts
A mandatory parent and student meeting is Thursday, January 30 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in...
CS | January 21, 2014Kristen Atwood and Marshall Courtney to Wed in March
Kristen Atwood and Marshall Courtney will marry on March 15, 2014. The wedding ceremony and reception...
CS | January 21, 2014Homeschool Baseball/Softball Teams Seek Players
I'm excited to announce the beginning of the Eagles Baseball and Lady Eagles Softball 2014 season....
CS | January 20, 2014CCA Forum Tuesday at 7PM
There will be a Central Community Alliance public forum Tuesday, January 21st at 7PM in the...