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CS | April 23, 201510 Reasons to Support St. Jude Bike-A-Thon
The St. Jude Bike-A-Thon is at 8:30 on May 9th at Magnolia Square. Here are ten...
CS | April 23, 2015Softball Night on Sports Central
Coach David Dykes and CHS Softball players join Steve Johnson on Sports Central live from Coaches Grill...
CS | April 22, 2015Robinson/Lee Annual Cousin Day
CS | April 22, 2015CHS PTO Election Meeting
Submitted by CHS PTO What an awesome year the CHS PTO has had during the 2014-2015...
CS | April 22, 2015Rivers King Signs Letter of Intent With UMO
Central High School is proud to announce that Rivers King is the first student in their school...
CS | April 22, 2015CHS Baseball Tryouts
Anyone interested in trying out for the Central High School baseball team needs to email the following...
CS | April 22, 2015Free Skin Cancer Screening
From Lane RMC A free skin cancer screening sponsored by Lane Regional Medical Center and Advanced Dermatology...
CS | April 22, 2015February 2015 Sales Tax Collections
From the City of Central Sales tax revenues within the city of Central were up 10.1% in...
CS | April 22, 2015BREC Back to Nature Photo Contest
CS | April 22, 201513th Annual Zoar Car Show May 9
13th Annual Car and Bike Show Zoar Baptist Church, Corner of Joor and Hooper Saturday, May 9, 2015...