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CS | August 27, 2015Free Community Health Expo Saturday
The Central Chamber of Commerce invites ALL community members to the Healthy Living Expo this Saturday, August...
CS | August 27, 2015Temporary Injunction Denied; Judge Sets Trial for October
Judge Wilson Fields refused last Wednesday to grant a request by Central citizens for an injunction temporarily...
CS | August 27, 2015Groundbreaking Friday for New CPT Facility
After 5 years of planning and working with the US Department of Agriculture, Central Physical Therapy has...
CS | August 27, 2015Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | August 27, 2015Found Dog
Found dog on Oak Cluster off of Greenwell Springs Rd 921-6867
CS | August 26, 20152015 Wildcat Volleyball Schedule
CS | August 26, 2015Comite Baptist Honors Ms. Nola Lee
From Comite Baptist Church Our beloved church member, Ms. Nola Lee, is bravely battling terminal cancer. Her...
CS | August 26, 2015Grief Support Group Schedule
THE HOSPICE OF BATON ROUGE H.O.P.E. Grief Support Groups 6-Week Support Group Sessions that provide a safe place...
CS | August 25, 2015Central Bobcats Kick Off Season
Submitted by Will Coward; Photos by JB Photography The Central Bobcats took the field this past Saturday...
CS | August 24, 2015Tuesday’s City Council Agenda
There will be a city council meeting Tuesday, August 24 at the CCSS School Board Offices on Joor...