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CS | April 28, 2010School Employees & Students of the Month
The following are the employees and students of the month from CCSS schools for the month of March. ...
CS | April 28, 2010Central Searching for Part-Time Accountant
The City of Central is looking to hire a part time accountant. Governmental accounting experience preferred with experience...
CS | April 28, 2010Student Services Meeting May 4
There will be a meeting of the Student Services Committee, which is chaired by School Board member Ruby...
CS | April 28, 2010School Board Meeting Summary
Here is what hapenned at the Monday, April 26th School Board meeting: The Central Community School Board met...
CS | April 28, 2010CHS Selling St. Jude T-Shirts
Central High students still have some St. Jude shirts for sale. They are trying to clear out the...
CS | April 28, 2010CHS Baseball Beats Walker
Central High School's baseball game against Walker High was rained out last Saturday, so the game was rescheduled...
CS | April 28, 2010Cookin’ in Central Wrap Up
The totals for Cooking in Central were announced today at a general meeting of those volunteers involved. Almost...
CS | April 27, 2010Down Time
By Michelle Freneaux If you’re reading to find something to do this weekend, I would recommend going to...
CS | April 27, 2010Weekly Chamber Update
The month of May is just about here! Graduations, school getting out, Mother's Day, and other events help...
CS | April 27, 2010Armed Robbery at Pit Crew Barbecue
News from the EBR Sheriff's Office: On 4/23/10, at approximately 0603 hrs, Deputies were dispatched to Pit Crew Barbecue...