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CS | November 5, 2010CMS Softball Team Finishes Undefeated Season
Article & Photos by Beth Fussell The Central Middle softball girls have a lot to be proud...
CS | November 5, 2010Wildcat Freshman Football Takes Win to Finish Season
The CHS freshman football team won their final game Monday night against the Live Oak Eagles in...
CS | November 5, 2010CHS Takes a Hit from Capitol; Share of District Still in Reach
By Beth Fussell; Stats by Nathan Corley; Photos by Expressions Photography Central could not pull it...
CS | November 5, 2010St. Alphonsus Collecting Care Packages for Soldiers
From the St. Alphonsus weekly newsletter Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana are preparing to send more care...
CS | November 4, 2010Tanglewood Residents Light the Night for Cancer
Submitted by Garnett Brister; Photos by Glenda & Zeke Thompson Light the Night in Central, the event that...
CS | November 4, 2010Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | November 4, 2010Candy Buy Back Still Happening at Dr. Raborn’s Office
Submitted by Rita Martin Dr. Raborn’s dentist office is still buying back childrens’ extra Halloween candy. The...
CS | November 4, 2010Rebels Lose District, Still Headed to Playoffs
By Patrick Tate; Photos by Selser Photography Due to an oversight on the part of this reporter...
CS | November 4, 2010Art Walk This Saturday
This Saturday, the Art League of Central will hold their second annual Art Walk and Holiday Sale...
CS | November 4, 2010Corey Crochet Catches Record White Bass
Submitted by Samantha Crochet Corey Crochet recently caught the new State Record White Bass (6lbs. 13oz.) on...