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CS | November 29, 2012Christmas in Central Festival This Weekend
By Lindsey Pyburn Starting with the lighting of the community Christmas tree tonight, continuing with...
CS | November 29, 2012Central Wildcats Youth Football D Team Wins SLYFA Super Bowl
Central’s youngest and smallest football players were the first team to ever win the “D Team Division –...
CS | November 29, 2012Fundraiser for Charity: Water this Saturday
Submitted by Crystal Rankin In developing countries across the world, millions of people suffer from...
CS | November 29, 2012Letter to the Editor: House Republican Delegation Expresses Support of Representative Clif Richardson
Our colleague and friend, Representative Clif Richardson (R – Central) has been a great public...
CS | November 29, 2012Christmas Tree Lighting and Concert Tonight
Central Christmas Tree Lighting and Concert tonight, Corner of Sullivan and Hooper, 7PM. Free! Lighting of...
CS | November 28, 2012Lost Dog
Male Beagle. Has shock collar on. Last seen Wednesday morning, 11/28. Lost or taken from Thibodeaux Rd. Child’s...
CS | November 28, 2012Ochsner Offers New Test to Pinpoint Cause of Heartburn
Submitted by Ochsner Medical Center Heartburn is widespread among today’s adult population, impacting millions of...
CS | November 28, 2012Galilee Baptist Takes Second Place in PSAL Championship
Submitted by Galilee Baptist Academy After being undefeated in their regular season, Galilee Baptist Academy...
CS | November 28, 2012Woodrow Muhammad Passes the Comprehensive Planning Examination
From the City of Central Woodrow Muhammad, Assistant Planning & Zoning Manager for the city...
CS | November 28, 2012No Parking on Shoulder During Christmas Parade
From the City of Central During the annual Central Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 1,...