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CS | January 28, 2014Sales Tax Revenues Are Up
From the City of Central Sales tax revenues within the city of Central were up 6.7%...
CS | January 27, 2014City Council Meeting Cancelled
The city council meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28th has been cancelled.
CS | January 27, 2014CCSS Schools Closed Tuesday & Wednesday
All Central Community School System schools will be closed this Tuesday and Wednesday, January 28 and 29 due...
CS | January 27, 2014Free Car Seat Check at Central Fire Station
CS | January 27, 2014Pelican Chapter Announces 2014 Officers
BATON ROUGE, LA— The Pelican Chapter of Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. announced the Officers and Board of...
CS | January 27, 2014CAPA Corner
This past week it actually snowed! My kids were ecstatic! As a kid I always loved...
CS | January 27, 2014School Board Meeting Moved to Thursday
The School Board will meet on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. at the Central Office, located at 10510...
CS | January 24, 2014Wildcat Soccer Update
Submitted by Theresa Thibodeaux On January 8, 2014, Central High Boys Varsity lost to Denham Springs...
CS | January 24, 2014CHS Updates
Every year the CHS PTO awards scholarships in the amount of $500 each to four seniors...
CS | January 24, 2014U-7 Boys Soccer Team Looking for Players
Keith Hoffman, a parent of a first grader at Tanglewood Elementary is looking for U-7 Boys...