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CS | August 8, 2014Art League of Central’s Wildlife Show on Display at Central Library
The Art League of Central is having a free art show during the month of August at the...
CS | August 7, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | August 7, 2014Tim Lazaroe: Reserve Deputy of the Year
Photo courtesy of EBRSO Deputy Tim Lazaroe was named EBRSO Reserve Deputy of the Year at the...
CS | August 7, 2014Why You Should Run for School Board
If you’ve ever even thought of running for a public office, there’s an opportunity coming soon...
CS | August 7, 2014Sports Central Radio Sid & Steve On Air Tonight
After more than a year doing separate radio shows, the team of Sid Edwards and Steve Johnson...
CS | August 7, 2014School Board Elections Near: Your Opportunity To Serve
By Dave Freneaux Qualifying for the November 4th School Board election is August 20-22, just two weeks...
CS | August 7, 2014New School Year Begins! Be Aware of Local School Zones
From the City of Central The following school zone hours are effective in Central starting with the first...
CS | August 6, 2014Istrouma Basketball Team Holds 50 Year Reunion
Pictured is the 1963-64 Istouma High School Basketball Team, taken at the 50th Basketball Reunion held on...
CS | August 6, 2014July Building Permits
During the month of July 2014 in the city of Central, a total of 7 new residential...
CS | August 6, 2014Central Chamber of Commerce C4 Report: Floor Busters LLC Says “I’m In”
"Floor Busters LLC is proud to say ‘I'm in.’ We joined the Central Chamber of Commerce immediately after...