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CS | September 10, 2014CAPA Corner
Creating an atmosphere of love is vital if we as Christians are to become the impacting influence...
CS | September 9, 2014Mayor Encourages Use of “Central, LA” as Your Address
TO ALL CENTRAL BUSINESS OWNERS: Sales and Use taxes are the major source of operating revenue for the...
CS | September 9, 2014CHS Silks Spaghetti Fundraiser in Two Weeks – Order Now!
The Central High Silks are doing a spaghetti plate fundraiser on Friday, September 26th to help with extra equipment and...
CS | September 9, 2014Ann and Jack Hood Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Ann and Jack Hood of Baton Rouge celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 22, 2014. They...
CS | September 8, 2014School Board Meeting Tonight, Old Gym on Agenda
A Public Hearing on the Proposed Pupil Progression Plan for the 2014-2015 School Year will be held on Monday,...
CS | September 8, 2014Justin and Carey Jackson Welcome Daughter Culynn Rae
Justin and Carey (Cobb) Jackson of Central proudly announce the birth of their third daughter, Culynn Rae. Culynn...
CS | September 8, 2014Young Wildcats Swim Well in Kickoff Meet
With 7 of the 12 swimmers making their debut in a high school swim meet, there were...
CS | September 8, 2014City of Central August Permit Report
From the City of Central During the month of August 2014 in the city of Central, a...
CS | September 5, 2014CAPA Corner: The Golden or Platinum Rule?
Growing up I often heard the statement, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto...
CS | September 5, 2014Carlton’s Seafood Celebrates One Year Anniversary
Carlton’s Seafood is celebrating their one year anniversary on September 11, 2014 at 7pm. Carlton LeGrange invites you...