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CS | November 4, 2015The Central Chamber Report: Barely Two Weeks
The election is just a little over two weeks away. As mentioned last week, it is vitally...
CS | November 2, 2015Tammy Lamana and Kevin “K.D.” Davis Wed in Hawaii
Tammy Lamana and Kevin Davis "K.D." both of Pride were joined in marriage in a private ceremony...
CS | November 2, 2015CAPA Corner: Who Are Your Friends?
1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." The...
CS | November 2, 2015Agenda for November 11 Planning and Zoning Meeting
From the City of Central The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public...
CS | October 30, 2015All Pro Dads at CIS
Submitted by Bro. Donnie Shaffer Central Intermediate School hosted their All Pro Dad breakfast with another amazing...
CS | October 30, 2015CHS Cheer Alumni Night
Photos by Expressions Photography. Along with many other groups and good causes, Central High School recognized their alumni cheerleaders...
CS | October 30, 2015Walker Kiwanis Club Donates Items to Central Veterans Helping Veterans
Responding to a request from the Central Veterans Helping Veterans, the Kiwanis Club of Walker provided 200...
CS | October 30, 2015Harry Breeden, Sr. Inducted into Hall of Fame
Photo by Expressions Photography The Central High School Hall of Fame welcomed a new member at Friday...
CS | October 30, 2015The Central Chamber Report
38.5! That is the percentage of voters that turned out for Saturday’s election. That is not 38.5%...
CS | October 29, 2015Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...