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CS | May 26, 20093 Central Private Boys Play In Allstar Game
Recently, three Central Private Seniors were chosen to participate in the Mississippi Private School Association All Star Baseball...
CS | May 25, 2009Tanglewood Summer Reading
The summer reading lists for incoming 2nd and 3rd graders at Tanglewood Elementary Scool have been posted online....
CS | May 25, 2009Bellingrath School Supply Lists
The school supply lists fo this coming school year have been posted on the Bellingrath Hills Elementary website....
CS | May 24, 2009GS Road Library Childrens’ Events
Along with their summer reading programs, libraries are offering many programs to keep children entertained this summer. A...
CS | May 22, 2009Central Churches Feature Sermons Online
Several Central area churches have added a new feature to their websites. They have begun posting their weekly...
CS | May 22, 2009Central Thruway Phase 1 Begins
Groundbreaking for the Central Thruway Phase 1 bridges was held on Wednesday, May 20, 2009. It was the...
CS | May 21, 2009Sign Up Now for Camp Istrouma
Spots are already filling up for Camp Istrouma’s summer camps. Camps are available for kids from kindergarten through...
CS | May 21, 2009CHS Summer Reading
This summer, Central High students will again have the opportunity to read books for extra credit in their...
admin | May 20, 2009Crime Bulletin: Armed Robbery
East Baton Rouge Parish deputies arrested a 27-year-old man Monday in the Sunday May 17 armed robbery of two...
CS | May 20, 2009CP Class of 1989 Reunion
The 20-year reunion for the Central Private Class of 2009 will take place this year. A website has...