
School Board Addresses Busing Problems (View the entire meeting below)

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The Central Community School Board met Monday evening. The big topic for the evening was First Student, the company contracted to run the school buses for our schools. The school board and the Superintendent were quite clear in insisting that the complaints and problems surroundin busing must be resolved immediately. First Student has been tasked with fixing some issues, such as radios and heaters, immediately, and has been given until the December 15th School Board Meeting to report back on the resolution of other problems including staffing, maintenance and breakdowns. The video of this meeting can be seen below.

In other business, the school board recognized seven CHS students who earned national distinction in the AP exams, and the Board moved forward in the process of roof replacement for the ROTC building which was damaged in recent storms. Finally, the second School Board meetings in both November and December have been cancelled due to holidays.



