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CS | December 2, 2010Mrs. Claus to Visit Central Library
From the EBR Library monthly newsletter This Monday, December 6th, Mrs. Claus and her elf will be visiting...
CS | December 2, 2010Notice: Break-Ins in Central
Lately, there have been several burglaries around Central, and we as a community need to do our...
CS | December 2, 2010Chamber Christmas Social Tuesday
From Chamber of Commerce newsletter The yearly Central Chamber Christmas Social will take place on Tuesday evening...
CS | December 2, 2010Local Author Finds Life Tasty
By Mia Freneaux When Larry Boudreaux retired from a computer software sales position , he had no...
CS | December 2, 2010Church Christmas Events Celebrating the Reason for the Season
The following events were submitted by the individual churches. All events below are free and open to the...
CS | December 2, 2010Wayne and Diane Leader Grand Marshalls of This Saturday’s Christmas Parade
By Mia Freneaux It couldn’t have had better timing. Wayne and Diane Leader have been named Grand...
CS | December 2, 2010CCSS Presenting Career/Tech Advisory Education Meeting Tonight
Submitted by Tracy Barnes Open to the Public. Please join us! The Central Community School System will...
CS | December 2, 2010Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | December 1, 2010Bridlewood Subdivision Drainage Improvements
Submitted by David Barrow The city of Central, LA is pleased to announce its first major capital improvements...
CS | December 1, 2010Rebel-ution Crushes Cenla in Tuesday’s Basketball Game
Submitted by Coach Palubinskas The boys varsity basketball machine continued their winning ways by beating Cenla in Alexandria by...