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CS | July 15, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
NOT GUILTY! The verdict is in – all who put their faith in Christ Jesus are not...
CS | July 15, 2011Central Worship Center: Where Church & Community Meet
By Mia Freneaux When Pastor Bill Parsons of Central Worship Center attended a monthly meeting of MMPAC,...
CS | July 15, 2011Cookin’ with Grass: Property Improved; Membership to Meet This Tuesday
As Cooking in Central Board Members donate time and energy to prepare the Blackwater Road property which...
CS | July 14, 2011Central School Board Votes to Receive Compensation Beginning This Friday
By Dave Freneaux On Wednesday, July 6th, Dr. Jim Gardner, President of the Central Community School Board,...
CS | July 14, 2011Republican Women of Central Holding First Anniversary Summer Soiree
Submitted by Betsy Barnes- RWC The Republican Women of Central was Chartered by The Louisiana Federation of...
CS | July 14, 2011Alzheimer’s Lunch & Learn July 20th on Caregiving Perspectives
Submitted by Trudy Bihm There will be a Lunch-N-Learn this Wednesday, July 20th. In these special Lunch-N-Learn...
CS | July 14, 2011Confused about the LDRC Community & Business Surveys?
By Jeanie Barnett & Stephen David, Co-Chairs, LDRC Steering Committee There seems to be a lot of...
CS | July 14, 2011Final Reminder to Schedule Echocardiogram at CHS
Tuesday, July 19 is the last day to schedule your athlete's appointment for an echocardiogram on July...
CS | July 14, 2011Central Speaks with IBTS
Central's City Services were handed over on July 1st to IBTS under the leadership of Project Manager...
CS | July 14, 2011Central Loses Economic Developer to Terrebonne
Mayor Mac Watts announced at Tuesday's Council meeting that Steve Vassallo, who has been under contract part...