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CS | August 17, 2011Lady Rebels Go Undefeated in Fastpitch Tournament
Submitted by Central Private School The Central Private Lady Rebels Fastpitch Softball Varsity Team claimed victory and went...
CS | August 17, 2011Letter to the Editor: A Happy Ending
Thanks to the story in the paper, Molly was returned to her parents. After a long 6 days...
CS | August 17, 2011St. Alphonsus Holding Blue Mass on September 11th
Submitted by St. Alphonsus Blue Mass – Sunday, September 11, 2011, 10:00 a.m. mass. The Blue Mass began...
CS | August 17, 2011Gregg & Tammy Vanveckhoven Welcome Daughter Abigail Rose
Gregg and Tammy (Tate) Vanveckhoven are proud to annouce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Rose. Abigail was...
CS | August 16, 2011August 25 Planning & Zoning Agenda
CENTRAL PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, August 25, 2011 6:00pm Kristenwood Meeting Facility 14025 Greenwell Springs Road Central, LA 70739...
CS | August 16, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
Knowing God is the point, right? It's the reason God came down as man; the reason we have...
CS | August 16, 2011Shane and Shane Concert Coming to Greenwell Springs Baptist
Shane and Shane, will be in Concert at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church on Monday August 29th at 6:00pm. ...
CS | August 16, 2011Building Permits Pick Up during July
From the City of Central webpage Building permits picked up rapidly during the month of July 2011...
CS | August 16, 2011Public Meeting on Council Districts This Wednesday
There will be a public committee meeting concerning districting for Central's City Council. The meeting will be held...
CS | August 16, 2011Found Dog
Dog found in Caramel Acres on Saturday, August 13th. Small dog, very well trained. If the dog belongs to...