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CS | September 12, 2011Tonight’s CCSS School Board Meeting Agenda
The CCSS School Board will have their regular public meeting tonight at 6 PM at Kristenwood. The agenda...
CS | September 12, 2011Fatality in Car Crash on Greenwell Springs Road
News Release from Louisiana State Police Louisiana State Police Troop A began investigating a fatal crash Friday evening shortly...
CS | September 9, 2011Women Veterans of Louisiana Meeting This Saturday
The Women Veterans of Louisiana meet on the second Saturday of each month at Piccadilly (3332 Sherwood Forest...
CS | September 9, 2011Scouts Work with BREC to Create 9/11 Memorial
By Mia Freneaux Boy Scout Troop 13, Cub Scout Pack 13, and Girl Scout Troop 10036, all chartered...
CS | September 9, 2011BREC Holding Informational Meeting on G.S. Historic Park
BREC will be hosting an informational, “Open House” style meeting at the Joor Road branch of the EBR...
CS | September 9, 2011Lee Rome Professional Plaza Dedication Next Saturday
From the Chamber newsletter On Saturday, September 17, there will be a dedication ceremony for the “Lee Rome...
CS | September 9, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
DO NOT FEAR 2 Tim 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of...
CS | September 9, 2011CHS Football Live on Central’s App
Download “Central Now,” Central’s free iPhone App, and listen LIVE to Central High vs St. Thomas More in...
CS | September 8, 20119/11 Volunteer to Speak at Blackwater UMC
Blackwater United Methodist Church will be hosting guest speaker Jimmy Sumner this Sunday, September 11. Jimmy, a...
CS | September 8, 2011John J. Price Named Chairman of EBR Republican Party
Submitted by Betsy Barnes Pictured: John J. Price, Harold Williams. Billy Thompson, Joan Lansing, Debbie Dougherty, Betsy Barnes...