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CS | October 6, 2011CMS 7th Grade Finishes Season with a Win
Submitted by Josh Kennedy The 7th grade ended their season last night 3-3 with a 18-12 victory over...
CS | October 6, 2011CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
As I have walked into several stores in the past few weeks, I have noticed something very strange!...
CS | October 6, 2011Piping Problem in New Schools; Delay Will Not Affect School Opening
By Dave Freneaux The specifications for the piping in the heating and air conditioning in Central's new schools...
CS | October 6, 2011Irregularities Found in Hodges & Mannino Campaign Finance Reports
By Dave Freneaux The Louisiana Ethics Administration oversees all financial disclosure and reporting by candidates for public office...
CS | October 6, 2011Mayor Vetoes Bigger Government- Supports Districts, Divisions or At Large, Encourages Compromise
Mayor Mac Watts issued a letter Thursday formally vetoing the City Council’s 3-2 vote to increase the size...
CS | October 6, 2011Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | October 6, 2011Jazz Picnic at Magnolia Square Next Weekend
The Village at Magnolia Square will be hosting a Jazz Picnic under the Eisworth Oak Sunday, October 16...
CS | October 6, 2011Tuesday’s City Council Agenda Items
II. Unfinished Business: None III. New Business 1) Mayor’s report and presentations. 2) Introduction of the following item(s)...
CS | October 6, 2011Central’s Joan Lansing Elected Vice Chair of Lane RMC Board
Submitted by Delores Sutton The Lane Regional Medical Center Board of Commissioners re-elected Dell Guerra, R.N. (pictured...
CS | October 6, 2011October Happenings at Central Private
10/5: Heatlh Care Professional Meets with 10th-12th grade – 8 a.m. Letter Jacket Rep Meets w/Students – 9:30...