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CS | November 22, 2011A Different Sort of Christmas
By Mia Freneaux There are many alternatives available in Central to your run-of-the-mill, made-in-China, found-at-the-mall gifts. ...
CS | November 21, 2011City Council Meeting Tomorrow at 6
There will be a City Council meeting this Tuesday, November 22 at 6 PM at Kristenwood. The public...
CS | November 21, 2011Bellingrath Students Participate in Cookies and Canvas
Photos by Michael Spangler First graders at Bellingrath Hills Elementary had a blast painting and sharing...
CS | November 21, 2011Register Now for Upward Basketball
-Zoar Baptist Church Sports Ministries is now registering for Upward Basketball and Cheerleading for kids ages 5-11. The...
CS | November 21, 2011St. Alphonsus Auction and Taste of Central February 11
St. Alphonsus Festival of Two Rivers 4th Annual Auction and Taste of Central will be held on...
CS | November 21, 2011Zoar Baptist Ladies’ Bazaar December 1
Zoar Baptist Church will be hosting a Ladies' Christmas Dinner and Bazaar for Foreign Missions. The Bazaar will...
CS | November 21, 2011St. Alphonsus “Remembering Our Children” Service
Submitted by St. Alphonsus I miss my children. It has been many years since they died and I...
CS | November 18, 201112U Patriots Take First in Texas Tournament
Submitted by Shannon Miller The 12U Patriots softball team played in Beaumont, TX this...
CS | November 18, 2011Book Review: “Safe Haven”
By Monica Wootan The book Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks was a thrill ride!...
CS | November 18, 2011Ochsner Offers Tips to Calm Holiday Heartburn
Most of us have felt it – that burning, painful feeling in the chest associated with heartburn. But...