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CS | January 4, 2012Central Community Theatre Accepted to National Junior Theater Festival
Central Community Theatre in Greenwell Springs has been accepted to the invitation-only national Junior Theater Festival, happening...
CS | January 3, 2012Join Metropolitan Councilman Trae Welch at Metro 1 District Meeting
Submitted by the City of Baton Rouge District 1 Metropolitan Councilman Trae Welch, will host his first...
CS | January 3, 2012Christ to the Family Ministries Helps Families in Nicaragua
Christ to the Family Ministries is pioneering a new work in Nicaragua. On the side of a...
CS | January 3, 2012Girl Scouts Raise Money for Annual Giving Campaign
Back row (L to R) Madeline Mizell, Autumn Hamilton, Lauryn Martin, London Luquette, Gracelyn Champagne, Rose Fauver Front...
CS | January 3, 2012Local Airman Welcomed Home
Sr. Airman Ryan Stockstill was welcomed home by family and friends on Dec. 27th after a 6 month...
CS | January 3, 2012The Pilot Club of Denham Springs Foundation Competing for $25,000 from The Home Depot Foundation in January Facebook Contest
The Pilot Club of Denham Springs Foundation: One of Four Nonprofits Competing Nationwide in Foundation’s Aprons in...
CS | January 3, 2012Cooking in Central Meeting Tonight at 6 PM
Cooking in Central Public Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 2012 Elegant Memories 14328 Frenchtown Rd Central, LA 6:00pm Meal...
CS | January 3, 2012Local Woodcarvings Showcased
Submitted by RJ and Pat Saucier The Pelican Woodcarvers Guild, a local group of wood carvers, will be...
CS | December 26, 2011Lane Auxiliary Holds Christmas Luncheon
Submitted by Lane RMC The Lane Regional Medical Center Auxiliary held their annual Christmas luncheon Friday,...
CS | December 26, 2011Central Fire Department Car Seat Check
Car Seat Check Event: Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:00am until 2:00pm Central Fire Department, 11646 Sullivan Road,...