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CS | June 7, 2012Healthy Recipe: Baked Gingerbread Doughnuts
By Rachel F. Johnson If you’ve noticed that the recipes have been missing from Central Speaks for a...
CS | June 6, 2012CRBA to Host Seminars on the Basics of Building and Business Management for Building Professionals
The Capital Region Builders Association will host a Business Management for Building Professionals class on Tuesday, June...
CS | June 6, 2012Central Fire Department Responds to House Fire on Devall Rd.
Submitted by the Central Fire Department Early this morning a house on Devall Rd. caught fire and...
CS | June 6, 2012CCSS Facilities/Equipment Public Meeting Tonight at 6:00
The Central Community School System Facilities/Equipment Committee will meet tonight, on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at the City...
CS | June 6, 2012CPS Teacher Alicia Fergerson Honored By James Madison Memorial Foundation
The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation of Washington, D.C., announced today that it has selected 58 James...
CS | June 6, 2012Central Schools Welcome New Staff
Tanglewood’s new Principal Mary “Kitty” Ainsworth and Vice Principal Terrie Junda ...
CS | June 6, 2012As for Me and My House to Host Guest Pastors
PRESS RELEASE There’s now an expanded format for As For Me and My House on THE CENTRAL...
CS | June 6, 2012New Cooking in Central Board Members Elected
Photo by Dave Freneaux Rodney Bonvillian, Suzonne Cowart, Denise Giles, Bill Parsons and Lucky Ross were elected to...
CS | June 6, 2012Lola and Company Celebrates Grand Opening
Photo by Michael Spangler Lola and Company held their ribbon cutting last Tuesday, June 5th, with the...
CS | June 6, 2012Hooper Rd. Extension Coming Together
The Hooper Rd extension across the Amite River into Livingston Parish is becoming a reality. It has...