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CS | June 27, 2012Vendors Needed for Second Annual RWC Fashion Show
Submitted by the Republican Women of Central The Republican Women of Central is hosting their second annual...
CS | June 27, 2012Central Shockers Win 14 Major State Championship
Submitted by Robert Martin The Central Shockers are the 14 Major Louisiana State Champions for 2012. The Shockers...
CS | June 27, 2012Central Bloomers Tour Creative Garden of Susan Hamilton
Submitted by the Central Bloomers The Central Bloomers Garden Club’s June meeting was held on 19th at the...
CS | June 26, 2012The C4 Report: Louisiana Strong – Part 2
Last week we presented information in part 1 of an excellent presentation that Louisiana Secretary of Economic...
CS | June 26, 2012Rheumatology Physician Opens Office in Zachary
Dr. Joseph P. Nesheiwat, Rheumatologist, has opened Zachary Rheumatology located at 6110 Main Street. He is board...
CS | June 26, 2012Central Businessman Receives State Honor
Submitted by Sue Jane't Stafford Palombo, Central resident and founder/chairman of Omni Industries Inc, was presented...
CS | June 26, 2012Central Roads Safer with New Rumble Strips
PRESS RELEASE On Thursday, June 21, 2012, centerline rumble strips were installed on four roadways within the...
CS | June 26, 2012City Council Meeting Tonight, June 26th
There will be a City Council meeting tonight, June 26th, at 6:00 PM at Kristenwood. See below for...
CS | June 25, 2012Sullivan Road Closed Today Through August 12
REMINDER As part of the roadway improvements for the new Central Intermediate and Central Middle Schools, it...
CS | June 25, 2012Central Basketball Elite Camp July 16-19
Central Basketball Elite Camp is a new camp offered to just a limited amount of platers between...