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CS | October 15, 2012Bellingrath Hills Holds Fire Safety Day
Submitted by P.E. teacher Heather Blanchard The Central Fire Department visited the students at Bellingrath Hills...
CS | October 15, 2012The Emporium Central Holding Soft Opening Saturday
Submitted by Loretta Foreman The Emporium Central at 10443 Joor Rd. is having a soft...
CS | October 12, 2012You’re Invited to Join Central Community Chorus
Join the Central Community Chorus for our upcoming performances. The rehearsal schedule is below. You are...
CS | October 12, 2012ALC to Hold Art Sale Saturday
The Art League of Central will be having an Art Sale this Saturday, October 13th at the...
CS | October 12, 2012Central Fire Department Holds Training Day at Old CMS
The Central Fire Department held a Training Day on Wednesday, October 10th at the former Central...
CS | October 12, 2012RWC to Host Voter Alert Luncheon Wednesday
Submitted by RWC The Republican Women of Central will host a special Pre-Election VOTER ALERT...
CS | October 11, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | October 11, 2012Jackson Park Subdivision Meeting Tonight
All Jackson Park residents are invited to the Central Fire Station at 7PM TONIGHT (Thursday) for a meeting...
CS | October 11, 2012Why Divisions Are Right for Central
Commentary by Dave Freneaux Divisions…I'm talking about how the people of Central are represented by...
CS | October 11, 2012Council Vote Out of Order
By Dave Freneaux At Tuesday’s Council meeting City Council Members Messina, LoBue and Washington voted...