Latest News
CS | November 13, 2012Representative Richardson, Battling Cancer, Resigning January 3rd
State Representative Clif Richardson will be resigning effective January 2, 2013. He is currently at MD Anderson battling...
CS | November 13, 2012Amelia Raffety and Brennan Chandler Welcome Son Brecken Patrick Chandler
Amelia Raffety of Central and Brennan Chandler of Watson are proud to announce the birth of...
CS | November 13, 2012In Memoriam: Robert A. “Bobby” Duczer
Robert A. "Bobby" Duczer arrived gently in the Loving Arms of God at 3:20 AM Thursday,...
CS | November 13, 2012Seale Funeral Home Holds Ribbon Cutting
Seale Funeral Home, located at 9995 Hooper Road at Carmel Acres, held its ribbon cutting with the Chamber...
CS | November 13, 201246th Annual LIHA Pow Wow This Weekend
This weekend, November 17th and 18th, the Louisiana Indian Heritage Association will hold their 46th annual...
CS | November 13, 2012The C4 Report from the City of Central Chamber of Commerce
Changes for Christmas It is hard to believe that the holiday season is so quickly...
CS | November 12, 2012Predict the Score Week Two
Announcing this week's CHS Predict the Score Contest, sponsored by DeAngelo's and Central Speaks: Post your prediction for...
CS | November 12, 2012Agenda for Tomorrow’s City Council Meeting
Attached is the agenda for tomorrow's City Council meeting.
CS | November 12, 2012Agenda for Tonight’s School Board Meeting
Attached is the agenda for the School Board meeting tonight.
CS | November 12, 2012Board of Adjustments Agenda for Thursday
PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Central Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing on November 15,...