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CS | December 6, 2012From Confusion to Concern to Term Limits
Last week in this column I asked for Council Members Messina, Washington, or LoBue if...
CS | December 6, 2012Stanford Victims’ Class Action Lawsuit Approved
Victims of the Stanford investment scheme that lost much or all of their life savings have...
CS | December 6, 2012Come to Lovett Rd Park Friday for Santa and Park Redesign Input
Santa Claus is coming to BREC's Lovett Rd park this Friday, December 7 from 6 to...
CS | December 6, 2012Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | December 6, 2012Wayne and Diane Leader Host Christmas Open House
Wayne & Diane Leader will open their home to the public for viewing of Christmas decorations...
CS | December 6, 2012Deloris Drive House Fire
Submitted by Central Fire Department The Central Fire Department responded when a fire broke out...
CS | December 5, 2012Area Residents Finish Ironman Triathlon
Submitted by Jeannie Bueche Paul and Marci Esch and her brother, Corey Bueche, are all...
CS | December 5, 2012CMS Student to Compete in FBU National Championship
Submitted by Trinice Rose All American Games, and Football University (FBU) are proud to announce...
CS | December 5, 2012Mrs. Supriya Jindal Visits Bellingrath Hills
Submitted by Bellingrath Hills Elementary Mrs. Jindal visited Bellingrath Hills on November 28th. Her visit...
CS | December 5, 2012Lost Dog
Lost 13 year old Golden Retriever with green collar and LSU logo shaved on her side. Call...