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CS | December 10, 20122012 Christmas Tree Lighting Photos
Photos by Michael Spangler
CS | December 10, 2012CAPA Corner: Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastor’s Association
As we celebrate Christmas, many of you might have a nativity scene placed up on your...
CS | December 10, 2012Kevin and Marcy Knippers Welcome Son Tatum Paul
Kevin and Marcy Knippers are proud to announce the birth of their son, Tatum Paul...
CS | December 10, 2012Joseph and Alison Cali Welcome Daughter Evangeline Kate
Dominic and Cindy Cali of Central are proud to announce the birth of their beautiful granddaughter,...
CS | December 10, 2012Time to Renew Occupational Licenses for 2013
From the City of Central All renewal notices for 2013 Occupational Licenses for all businesses, including...
CS | December 10, 2012Toy Safety; It’s on Everyone’s Wish List this Season
Submitted by Ochsner Health Center – Central When you’re making your list this year, be...
CS | December 10, 2012EMS Looking for Students to Join Explorer Program
Are you a mature student, age 15 – 18 years old and interested in a career...
CS | December 7, 2012Hooper & Sullivan Rezoning Going Back to Council
Council Member Aaron Moak has confirmed that he has requested the rezoning of the northeast corner...
CS | December 7, 2012Ochsner Offers Kidney Disease Seminar
Submitted by Ochsner Medical Center According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...
CS | December 7, 2012CFD Providing Smoke Alarms
THE CENTRAL FIRE DEPT is providing smoke alarms and/or batteries to the elderly or less fortunate in the Central...