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CS | May 16, 2013“Gotta Move” Girls’ Sports Camp Coming to CMS This Summer
Submitted by Central Middle School The 2nd annual Gotta Move girls’ sports fitness camp will be...
CS | May 16, 2013Central Memorial Day Service Next Thursday
Next Thursday, May 23rd, everyone is invited to share in the celebration of the City of...
CS | May 16, 2013Inspiring Grad Shares Secret of Success
By Mia Freneaux; Photo by Courtney Browning Tomorrow Cassie Guilbeau will walk across the stage at...
CS | May 16, 2013Republican Party Established in Central
Press Release The incorporators of the City of Central Republican Party, Inc. are pleased to announce...
CS | May 16, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | May 15, 2013Central St. Jude’s Bike-A-Thon This Saturday
By Mia Freneaux Everybody loves “hero” movies. Whether they’re comic book characters, or gruff, rebel...
CS | May 15, 2013Richard O’Quinn Is a Herdman Certified Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapist
Central Physical Therapy is proud to announce staff Physical Therapist Richard O'Quinn has received the prestigious,...
CS | May 15, 2013CAPA Corner
I heard a comedian the other day say that he had lost all hope in America's...
CS | May 15, 2013In Memoriam: Aubrey Lynn Wiggins, Sr.
Aubrey Lynn Wiggins, Sr., 67, passed away on Monday, May 13, 2013 at his home in...
CS | May 15, 2013Central Teams Walk Like MADD
Submitted by Emily Cole The picture above is of two teams from Central who participated...