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CS | May 28, 2013In Memoriam: Charles “Tommy” Forest
Charles Thomas “Tommy” Forest, 2 Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am now ready to be offered,...
CS | May 28, 2013New Radiation Oncology Center Breaks Ground at Lane
L-R: Frank Ragsdale, Chairman, Lane RMC Foundation; Evelyn Hayes, MD, Interim President & CEO, Baton Rouge General; Randy...
CS | May 28, 2013Agenda for Tonight’s City Council Meeting
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 AGENDA 6:00 PM The rules for conducting such public hearings are as...
CS | May 28, 2013Cane’s Rewards Tanglewood Students for Cooking in Central Fundraising Efforts
Written by Brittany Smith, Tanglewood Technology Teacher & Leslie Pierce, Speech-Pathologist- Central Community Schools Three classes...
CS | May 28, 2013CAPA Corner: Eating in Central
“We eat well in Southeast Louisiana,” I was told before we moved to Central from...
CS | May 28, 2013Lost Dog Near Geo Je’s
Lost dog in the Central Area around Geo Je subdivision/Frenchtown road. He’s a Australian Shepherd and his name...
CS | May 27, 2013Agenda for Tonight’s School Board Meeting
The School Board will meet on Monday, May 27, 2013 at the Central High School Theatre at 6:00 P.M. A Public Hearing...
CS | May 27, 2013Kristy Simmons Earns Master of Science in Nursing
Among our local graduates is Kristy Pearson Simmons, who was awarded her Master of Science in...
CS | May 27, 2013CMS Teacher Nominated for Middle School Teacher of the Year
Casey Ebey, one of CMS’s 6th grade teachers, is a state finalist for Middle School Teacher of the...
CS | May 24, 2013CIS Jr. Beta Goes to D.C.
Submitted by Ava Ellis and Karen Hill Fifteen members of the Central Intermediate School 2012-2013 Jr....