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CS | August 13, 2013Magnolia Methodist Provides School Supplies
Submitted by Magnolia Methodist Magnolia United Methodist Church on Greenwell Springs Road recently provided "back to...
CS | August 13, 2013Sign Up Now for Chamber Golf Scramble
The 2013 City of Central Chamber of Commerce annual Golf Scramble is Monday, September 9th at...
CS | August 13, 2013Central Area Girl Scout Round-Ups Coming Soon
Submitted by Girl Scouts Service Unit 104 Central Area Girl Scouts, Service Unit 104 will be...
CS | August 13, 2013Cancer Benefit for Courtney Lockhart Next Saturday
CS | August 13, 2013Carlee Wilson and Coby Norman Wed in Pineville
Carlee Claire Wilson of Central, and Coby Dustin Norman of Gardner, were married in a 5:00...
CS | August 12, 2013Hooper Road Extension Public Meetings Next Week
The Hooper Road Extension project is currently under study by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development...
CS | August 12, 2013Central Bloomers Present Landscape of the Month Award
Left: Jean Barnard and Diane Bezdek of the Central Bloomers present the Jackie Brewer memorial to Dr. Gerard...
CS | August 12, 2013Another Great Year for the Children’s Moving Co.
Submitted by CMC Dancers from the Children’s Moving Co. finished their year with very impressive performances...
CS | August 12, 2013August 22 Planning & Zoning Meeting Items
The City of Central Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, August...
CS | August 12, 2013Tommy & Linda McCurley Celebrate 50 Years Together
Tommy and Linda McCurley celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a surprise party at their camp...