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CS | August 19, 2013RWC Sponsoring First Outstanding Central Women of Achievement Awards in September
Submitted by RWC The first awards singing the praises of and recognizing the many achievements made...
CS | August 19, 2013Central Lodge #442 Update
Pictured left to right: Ben Melanson, DDGM and Lyman Parker, WM, Central Lodge #442 Submitted by Central Masonic...
CS | August 19, 2013Neighbors Board Member Retires after 54 Years of Service
Submitted by Neighbors FCU Long-time Neighbors Federal Credit Union Board Member Graydon Walker has officially retired...
CS | August 16, 2013CAPA Corner: The Stand
On behalf of the Central Area Pastors Association, CAPA, I would like to express a big...
CS | August 16, 2013Lady Rebels Softball Season in Full Swing
There are still plenty of opportunities to catch the Rebels Softball Team in action! Come support the Lady...
CS | August 16, 2013Bobby Dale Callender to Speak at Upcoming RWC Meeting
By Republican Women of Central Photo by Dave Freneaux To many in Central, Bobby Dale Callender...
CS | August 16, 2013“Ask the Doctor” Lunch & Learn
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently released new guidelines on how often women...
CS | August 16, 2013RWC Establishes New College Scholarship for Central Area Grads
Submitted by RWC Republican Women of Central have established a new $2,000 college scholarship at LSU,...
CS | August 15, 2013Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | August 15, 2013Jodie Mae Crawford on Central Legends
Host Dave Freneaux of the Central Legends radio show will be joined by Jodie Mae Crawford...