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CS | July 9, 2014LA Lady Lightning 10U and 12U Tryouts
LA Lady Lightning 10U and 12U Tryouts August 9th at Lovett Rd Park. 10U at 10am, 12U at...
CS | July 8, 2014The Central Chamber of Commerce’s C4 Report: Ron Erickson Graduates from Institute for Organization Management
CS | July 8, 2014June Building Permits Report
From the City of Central During the month of June 2014 in the city of Central, a total...
CS | July 8, 2014Tonight’s City Council Meeting Agenda
Tonight's city council meeting will be held at the Central High School auditorium at 6PM. The meeting is...
CS | July 8, 2014Allexis Lusk & Michael Blaney Welcome Son Zayn Tyler Blaney
Allexis Lusk and Michael Blaney are happy to announce the birth of their son, Zayn Tyler Blaney. He...
CS | July 7, 2014Sign Up Now for 2014 Wildcat Youth Football and Cheer
CS | July 4, 2014Host Families Sought for Exchange Students
International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES) is seeking local families interested in hosting international high school students, ages...
CS | July 4, 2014City Prayer Service Next Thursday
Press Release On Thursday, July 10, 2014 a Day of Prayer Service for the City of Central...
CS | July 4, 2014Magnolia Methodist & Deerford UMC Welcome New Pastor
Rev. Susie H. Thomas of Baton Rouge is the newly-appointed pastor at Magnolia United Methodist Church, Central,...
CS | July 4, 2014Construction Begins on 9th Grade Academy
Work has begun to build the Central High 9th Grade Academy. The building is expected to be ready...