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CS | September 22, 2014Register Now for “Women Making an Impact for Christ”
The women of Grace Presbyterian Church (9526 Joor Road) are pleased to welcome Representative Valarie Hodges as their...
CS | September 22, 2014Wildcat Update: CHS Football vs Morgan City
In game two of the season on September 12th, Central’s Wildcats put up 57 points to overcome the 27 Morgan...
CS | September 19, 2014Knights of Columbus Hold Quarterly Blood Drive
Submitted by KOC The Knights of Columbus Council 2807 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church held its Quartely Blood...
CS | September 19, 2014Central Fire Department Honors Original Board Members
Article by Central Fire Department Photo by Michael Spangler A dedication ceremony was held at Central Fire Department...
CS | September 19, 2014Movie in the Park FREE Double Feature!
Next Thursday, September 25th, since Central Community Schools are off Friday, join us for a free Movie...
CS | September 18, 2014Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | September 18, 2014It’s NOT a 1927 Gym!
A careful read of the original blueprints of Central’s historic 1927 building reveals that it was built...
CS | September 18, 2014Central Does it Again!
By Mia Freneaux Yesterday the Central Cultural Foundation handed a check for $10,000 to the Central Community...
CS | September 18, 2014Movie in the Auditorium?
Saving the 1927 CHS Auditorium, formerly known as the “Old Girls’ Gym”, is the beginning of a...
CS | September 18, 2014Central Volleyball Hosts University Lab Today
Photo by Michael Spangler The Wildcats won their first district game at home last week against Live...