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CS | July 21, 2015Knights of Columbus Installs New Officers
The Knights of Columbus St. Alphonsus Council 2807 held its annual installation of officers and banquet recently....
CS | July 21, 2015Wallace Edwards Celebrates 50 Years with Masons
Congratulations to Wallace Edwards, who received his 50 year recognition plaque from the Masonic Lodge.
CS | July 21, 2015Tips for a Happy Start to the New School Year
Summer is quickly coming to an end and it is time to prepare for the new school...
CS | July 21, 2015Stalker Arrested
Raheem Howard of Baker has been arrested by the EBR Sheriff's Office on felony charges including Stalking,...
CS | July 20, 2015Free Movie in the Park Friday: “Despicable Me 2”
CS | July 20, 2015In Memoriam: Morton Renfroe, Jr.
On the afternoon of July 10, 2015, Morton Cleveland Renfroe, Jr. passed away at the home that...
CS | July 20, 2015Cooking in Central Planning Meeting July 29
There will be a meeting Wednesday, July 29 at noon at DeAngelo’s for anyone who wishes to help...
CS | July 20, 2015The Central Chamber Report
One of the services provided by the Central Chamber of Commerce is to provide an opportunity for...
CS | July 20, 2015Multiple Arrests at Central Wal Mart
CS | July 17, 2015New Splash Pad at Jackson Park
Photo by Michael Spangler On Friday, a ribbon cutting was held at BREC Jackson Park for the new...