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CS | September 18, 2015Bishop Robert Makona: A Light From Africa
By Mia Freneaux To meet Bishop Robert Makona is to feel the presence of the Lord. His...
CS | September 18, 2015Hope Church of Central Holds Groudbreaking
Submitted by Hope Church of Central Pastor Robert Martin and the congregation of the Voice of Pentecost...
CS | September 18, 2015CAPA Corner: Law or Love
Football season is upon us. So many die-hard football fans are wearing their teams shirts and colors...
CS | September 17, 2015Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | September 17, 2015Central Goes Blue for Law Enforcement
Photo by Michael Spangler of Expressions Photography More blue is popping up around Central each day thanks to...
CS | September 17, 2015Central Coaches Pay It Forward
The football coaches at Central High School have taken a firm and admirable stand in the face...
CS | September 17, 2015Council Errs in Planning & Zoning Appointments
In what turns out to be a violation of Central’s ordinances, last week Central’s City Council re-appointed...
CS | September 17, 2015Our Tax Dollars at Work?
This coming Tuesday the City Council will vote on whether to ratify a contract signed by Mayor...
CS | September 17, 2015Four Found Dead in Shooting after Altercation
East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Detectives responded to a call of four found dead in the driveway of...
CS | September 17, 2015Blackwater Bayou Bridge Closed through March 2016
NOTICE REGARDING DOTD PROJECT BY THE STATE: Blackwater Bayou Bridge on LA 410 between Dyer and McCullough...