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CS | November 16, 2015October Art League Show Winners Announced
Photo by Mia Freneaux Winners of the Art League of Central's "Falling For Central" juried show were:...
CS | November 16, 2015CAPA Corner
American humorist Mark Twain said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” The Bible...
CS | November 13, 2015Register Now for Upward Basketball
Zoar Baptist Church’s I Timothy 4:8 Ministries is now registering for upward basketball for boys and girls ages...
CS | November 13, 2015Community Thanksgiving Service Next Thursday
8th Annual Central Community Thanksgiving Worship Service Thursday, November 19th, 7:00pm Greenwell Springs Baptist Church All Central...
CS | November 13, 2015The Central Chamber Report: ‘Tis the Season
The Holiday season is upon us! “Tis the Season to be Busy!” The Central Chamber is excited...
CS | November 13, 2015Jerry Romero Receives Louisiana Veterans Honor Medal
On October 22, Jerry Romero was awarded the Louisiana Veterans Honor Medal for his service in the United...
CS | November 12, 2015Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | November 12, 2015New Right Turn Signal at Sullivan & Wax
Submitted by David Barrow The new RIGHT TURN signal with NO TURN ON RED sign was activated...
CS | November 12, 2015Sports Central Playoff Edition
Tune in to FM 91.9 Thursday at 5pm as Coaches Sid Edwards and Steve Johnson talk playoffs...
CS | November 12, 2015Why Are Public Records Being Withheld?
Until recently, I was under the impression that the current City of Central government had promised transparency, and...