All posts by CS
CS | June 14, 2010
Hurricane Preparedness
From the Central Fire Department website June 1- November 30 marks the hurricane season and the time to...
CS | June 14, 2010
Two Shoplifters Located by EBRSO
From the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office in response to an inquiry from a reader The East...
CS | June 14, 2010
Business Spotlight: Geaux Clean Car Wash
By Mia Freneaux If you have a Central business that you would like highlighted in, please send...
CS | June 14, 2010
Playmakers of Baton Rouge Presents Teaching Agnes to Dance
Submitted by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library The Playmakers of Baton Rouge will present “Teaching Agnes to...
CS | June 14, 2010
Tonight’s School Board Meeting Agenda
Submitted by the Central Community School Board AGENDA SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 14, 2010 6:00 PM Kristenwood Catering...
CS | June 14, 2010
Informal Hearing Tonight Concerning School Earthwork Bid
Submitted by Central Community School Board Agenda Notice of Informal Hearing June 14, 2010 5:30 p.m. Kristenwood Catering...
CS | June 11, 2010
Updates on Adam, Hailey and Loyd
Adam Stafford remains in the hospital under close watch by doctors and surgeons. However, his family continues to...
CS | June 11, 2010
Upcoming Central Meetings
Central Community School Board Meeting: Monday, June 14 at Kristenwood on Greenwell Springs Road at 6 p.m. Find...
CS | June 11, 2010
Chamber Meeting Update
At Wednesday's Central Chamber of Commerce meeting, the new Chamber wensite was unveiled. Instructions for Chamber members explaining...
CS | June 11, 2010
Magnolia Bridge Widening Process Underway
Submitted by David Barrow Relief is finally on the way for motorists traveling across the Amite River on...