All posts by CS
CS | September 22, 2015
Did You See This Accident?
A Central community member is looking for witnesses to an accident that occurred on Saturday night, September 19th...
CS | September 22, 2015
Upcoming Events at Magnolia Methodist Church
From Magnolia Methodist Church Magnolia UMC, 16024 Greenwell Springs Rd., will hold its annual chicken barbecue on...
CS | September 21, 2015
In Memoriam: Dolores “Dee” Smith
Dolores "Dee" Smith passed away at her home in Central, Louisiana, at the age of 62 on Thursday, September,...
CS | September 21, 2015
2nd Annual Code Red Chili Cook-Off September 26
Submitted by Lane RMC Americana, Level Homes, and Lane Regional Medical Center present the first annual Code...
CS | September 21, 2015
Central Chamber Report: Going Blue!
Economic Development. Many people, when they first hear those words, have the concept of expanding the housing...
CS | September 18, 2015
The Pumpkins Are Coming!
From Blackwater Methodist Once again, Blackwater United Methodist Church will be holding its annual “Pumpkin Patch”, selling...
CS | September 18, 2015
Bishop Robert Makona: A Light From Africa
By Mia Freneaux To meet Bishop Robert Makona is to feel the presence of the Lord. His...
CS | September 18, 2015
Hope Church of Central Holds Groudbreaking
Submitted by Hope Church of Central Pastor Robert Martin and the congregation of the Voice of Pentecost...
CS | September 18, 2015
CAPA Corner: Law or Love
Football season is upon us. So many die-hard football fans are wearing their teams shirts and colors...
CS | September 17, 2015
Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...