CS | March 29, 2017Help Baker Glass Works Help Defeat Parkinson’s
Bill Mosley founded Baker Glass Works in 1979, hoping to use the business venture as a force...
CS | March 29, 2017Take Charge Now
Taking charge of your life now involves more than exercise and diet. Recent research is showing that...
CS | March 29, 2017Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Roundup
Bellingrath Hills Press Release Pre-K and Kindergarten Roundup is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Registration will...
CS | March 29, 2017Cooking in Central This Saturday
Press Release The City of Central’s Annual Festival will be held at the newly renovated property located...
CS | March 27, 2017Victory Academy Junior High Basketball Wins League
Submited by Amy Martin Congratulations to Victory Academy's junior high basketball team who won their league championship. Listed...
CS | March 27, 2017City Council Meeting Tuesday at Kristenwood
The Central City Council will meet this Tuesday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m. at Kristenwood on Greenwell Springs...
CS | March 22, 2017Take Charge Now
You have all heard of the 80-20 rule..guideline actually..in which we do what we know we are...
CS | March 22, 2017Planning & Zoning Meeting Thursday
CITY OF CENTRAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONS Thursday, March 23, 2017, 6:00 P.M. Kristenwood Meeting...
CS | March 21, 2017Evan and Sam Race Together Again
Evan White pushed his best buddy Sam Siedel in the Our Lady of the Lake Childrens Hospital 5K...
CS | March 21, 2017CCA Update
Submitted by CCA Attendees at the Central Community Alliance meeting February 21st received updated information about the...