CS | April 6, 2017Breakfast with Bunnies April 15
Submitted by Magnolia UMC Magnolia United Methodist Church Children’s Ministry will present Breakfast with the Bunnies on...
CS | April 6, 2017Business Spotlight: The Spectacle
By Marissa Rasch Pictured left to right: Tracy Camp, Dr. Mary Vaughan, Niki Scott, Shawn Parker, Tracy Parker,...
CS | April 5, 2017RWC Announce $1,000 Restaurant Raffle Winner
Restaurant Tour Raffle Winner pic: Left to right. RWC President Kristie Cross, Raffle Winner Beth Munley, RWC board...
CS | April 5, 2017Ochsner BR Shares Ways to Build a Stronger Stomach
Many people suffer from various forms of digestive health issues. While some may have diarrhea, others may...
CS | April 5, 2017MAF EGGstravaganza April 8
Submitted by Jada Bruce The first annual Movement MAF EGGstravaganza is scheduled for April 8 from 10:00...
CS | April 5, 2017Oak Point Shopping Center Has a New Look
By Mia Freneaux Oak Point Fresh Market has established a wonderful reputation for being completely invested in...
CS | April 5, 2017Flood Inundation Mapping Begins
Pictured: U.S.G.S. surveyors Paul Ensminger and Ferrell Killion working at the Comite River Bridge on Comite Drive. ...
CS | April 4, 2017PUD Informational Meeting April 6
NOTICE: This meeting was originally incorrectly reported as being on April 5. The correct date for the meeting...
CS | April 3, 2017Congratulations to CHS Color Guard
Submitted by Renee Anselmo The CHS Color Guard Team traveled to New Orleans for their Winter Guard...
CS | April 3, 2017CHS Girls’ Bowling Moves on to Final Four
Submitted by Coach Godley LHSAA Girls Bi-Regionals, Tuesday (3-28-17) Round 3 – The Lady Wildcats struggled with...