CS | August 30, 2018Free Activities at Greenwell Springs Library
Greenwell Springs Road Regional Branch Library, 11300 Greenwell Springs Rd., (225) 274-4450 – Call the library branch directly...
CS | August 30, 2018Public Meeting September 10 to Receive Update on Proposed Master Plan Revisions
City of Central Press Release The City Council of the City of Central, LA and the Planning Commission...
CS | August 30, 2018Candidate Positions: Master Plan and Waivers
Central Speaks gave each candidate for Mayor and City Council the opportunity to respond to the following question:...
CS | August 30, 2018City Hall Property Purchased
Deed Restriction Issue Unsettled Last Friday Mayor Shelton executed documents purchasing two acres of property near the corner...
CS | August 30, 2018Football Fridays Return; CHS Students to Broadcast Wildcat Games
When the CHS Wildcats take to the field this Friday hosting Dunham, CHS students will also occupy the...
CS | August 30, 2018The Race to Build a City Hall
It’s no secret that I oppose building a $5 million City Hall before we have a funded solution...
CS | August 30, 2018Today’s Newspaper PDF Online
As a service to our readers and our advertisers, the CentralSpeaks.com newspaper in its entirety, formatted exactly as...
CS | August 16, 2018RWC to Feature Lt. Governor & Candidates at August 20 Meeting
Submitted by Republican Women of Central The Republican Women of Central will be meeting Monday, August 20, at...
CS | August 16, 2018Central High Class of 1978 Reunion October 27
Hey Classmates Of CHS 1978! It’s that time again! Our 40th year reunion time has arrived! We are...
CS | August 16, 2018Central Tigers Baseball Tryouts
Tryouts and placements for the 2018 Fall & 2019 Spring Season at the Old Lovett Road Park (Field...