admin | August 12, 2008Crime Bulletin
Incident : SIMPLE BURGLARY OF AN INHABITED DWELLING 8/8/2008 Location: 11217 Norway Pine Incident Date & Time: 08/07/2008,...
admin | August 12, 2008Come Check It Out! – Central Has A Produce Market
Wouldn’t it be nice to be greeted with a smile, a “good morning”, and be handed a basket...
admin | August 12, 2008Help the Central Community Theater Help CHS
The Central Community Theater has begun a Chair Drive to help upgrade the theater at Central High School...
admin | August 12, 2008Physicals offered for all CMS athletes
Physicals will be offered to all CMS athletes at school on Wednesday, August 20 at 10:00 a.m. The...
admin | August 12, 2008Important dates for the Wildcat Backers
The Backers want to invite everyone to the annual workday at the stadium. Coach Sid has requested that...
admin | August 12, 2008Central Schools Take a Strong Stance on Drug Use
The Central Community School System is not kidding around when it comes to drug use. Every student who...
admin | August 12, 2008School Board Meets With Final Preparations For The School Year
The Central Community School Board met this evening, 8/11/08, at Kristenwood. Aside from the usual procedural issues, Superintendent...
admin | August 11, 2008Journey Church hosts a Princess Day
Who?: “Tween” girls, ages 9 – 12, or in grades 4th – 6th from the Central area What?:...
admin | August 11, 2008Central Community School System Holds Fall Kickoff at Blackwater
At 7:30 AM, this Monday the 11th, the almost 400 employees of the Central Community School System converged...
admin | August 11, 2008Let Central Have a Fair Election
Election yard signs for at least two Central School Board candidates are selectively disappearing. It has been confirmed...