
CAPA Corner: Enjoy Fellowship in Central

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    Do you enjoy being with others?  Do you have an interest in something where you want to be around others who also enjoy your same interest?  If you answer “yes” to both of these questions, then you most likely enjoy fellowship.  Fellowship is the sharing of common interests, goals, experiences, or views with like-minded people.  As I looked through last week’s Central Speaks I saw several examples of different fellowships in Central.  There are those who enjoy the Family Movie Nights in Central.  There are those who are active and involved in the Republican Women of Central.  No doubt there is a close-knit fellowship among those who are part of the Central Fire Department.  The Central Chamber of Commerce is a vital fellowship for the businesses in our community.  Each sports team from our local schools develops and maintains a fellowship among its team members.  Any group activity, association, or team offers the opportunity for fellowship.  God created us to NOT be alone.  We should enjoy fellowship.
    I encourage you to connect to at least one of the many different fellowship groups that are oriented to something “Central.”  That is a good way to get connected to our city and to become a good citizen in our city.
    There is one fellowship that I believe trumps all other fellowships – the fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ.  This fellowship is found in the local churches of Central.  Being part of a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ will last your entire lifetime on earth AND will last for eternity in heaven, IF you are trusting and following Jesus Christ.  Are you?  I pray that you are.  If you have any questions about what it means to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ (repenting of yours sins and believing that only the blood of Jesus can save you from the punishment your sins deserve), please contact any of the Central churches.  We would love to tell you how you can be part of the fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ!
    Enjoy fellowship in Central.  Begin with fellowship in one of Central’s churches, and then find your niche in one or more of the many other good fellowships in Central.
Don Hulsey,
Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church (9526 Joor Road)