
Thank You from the Central Fire Department

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Daily, the Central Fire Department responds to emergency situations when the public calls for help.  Last Saturday, however, the tables were turned and the Central Fire Department had to ask for assistance. The assistance needed was in the form of a 4.25 tax millage.  As in the past, citizens in the Central Fire Protection District rose to the occasion and overwhelmingly passed the millage.  The revenue generated by this tax will increase personnel to respond to your emergencies and will provide for a safer work environment for firefighters.

To members of the fire department, passage of this millage was most gratifying. The public sent a clear message that they trust us, and that they support what we do.  In today’s political climate, for a government agency to receive a vote of confidence such as this is rare and most humbling.  In return, we have a clear message to the citizens of the Central Fire District, we appreciate your support and we shall spend your tax dollars wisely, professionally and ethically.  The service we provide to you comes from the heart.  We are here for you and we deeply appreciate you supporting us.  Thank you.

The Central Fire Department